
Senior high school

When students complete their senior high school studies, they are awarded a high school diploma (the French baccalaureate), which allows them to attend universities all around the world. 

In addition to pursuing standard subjects, students at the lycée level must select one of nine different specializations in order to focus their education onto more specific subjects. Lycée students attend special orientation sessions designed to help them select a profile that aligns well with the university program of their choice. The curriculum is designed to empower students to reach their personal goals and achieve the level of academic success required to open doors in the future.

Lycée Claudel is proud to announce a 100% baccalaureate success rate. Our graduates have pursued their studies in the most reputable universities in Canada and around the world.


From Seconde to Terminale, students prepare for the French baccalauréat exams. This diploma, recognized internationally for its strictness and the quality of its teaching, marks the end of secondary school and opens the door to higher education.

From the Seconde onwards, students can choose up to two complementary options to enrich their academic path. In Première, the student is led to choose 3 speciality courses which he can also complete with a choice of two options. Then, in Terminale, students choose to deepen two of the three speciality lessons chosen in Première.

📌In order to facilitate the decision making process concerning the pathway, specialties and options, it is important to be aware of :

  • the content of the courses (subjects and hours of instruction) offered according to the grade level and pathway selected by the high school students (Seconde | Première | Terminale),
  • the options and specialties offered according to the grade level and pathway selected by the high school students (Seconde | Première | Terminale).

Common lessons :

The common base of knowledge, skills and culture presents what every student should know and master at the end of compulsory education. It brings together all the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes necessary to succeed in school, in life as an individual and as a future citizen.



History and geography


Foreign languages

Life and Earth Sciences (SVT)


Science Education

Physical and Sports Education

Economic and Social Sciences

Digital and Technology Sciences

Specialty courses:

Specialty subjects chosen by the student and intensified between Première and Terminale (three subjects in Première and then two in Terminale among the three taken in Première). These disciplines are given significant time to offer ambitious programs and to give students time to learn.

Humanities, Literature and Philosophy



Physics-Chemistry (SPC)

Life and Earth Sciences (SVT)

Economics and Social Sciences

Digital and Computer sciences

Cinéma Audiovisual

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At the end of high school – the French Baccalauréat

From Seconde to Terminale, students prepare for the French Baccalauréat exams.

Lycée Claudel students can choose between the classic French baccalauréat and the baccalauréat français international (BFI) or Baccalauréat International (BFI).

The International French Baccalaureate (BFI):

  •  is a program of the French baccalaureate integrating the rigorous French bac curriculum, with advanced-level studies in English and an integrated History-Geography program taught by French and Canadian faculty.
  • is not a separate diploma but a specialization within the Baccalaureate. This course is designed to advance students’ knowledge of North American topics (in both English and History-Geography) as well as gain experience in North American style classes. This option is perfect for students thinking about attending any university in North America with programs in English.
  • Many English-speaking universities in Canada such as Concordia or UBC accept the BFI as proof of a sufficient level of English to start university studies, thus avoiding the expensive and time-consuming language tests (IELTS, TOEFL etc.) often required by admissions offices.

The French Baccalauréat is a diploma, internationally recognized for its rigor and quality of teaching, marking the end of secondary education and giving access to higher education.

Following the reform of the Baccalauréat, L, ES and S series have disappeared. From now on, students will take common subjects, special subjects they have chosen and for which they are motivated, and optional subjects if they so wish.

At the end of Seconde, students choose a combination of three specialties to follow in Première (4 h per week per specialty) and up to two options from among Latin and Audiovisual Cinema.

At the end of Première, they choose from among the three specialties the two they wish to pursue in Terminale (6 h per week per specialty), and up to three options from Latin, Audiovisual Cinema, Complementary Maths or Expert Maths.

The specialization abandoned at the end of Première is subject to a common continuous assessment test.

Click here  for a summary table of options and specialties.

Presentation of specialties:

Presentation of options:

BACCALAURÉAT GÉNÉRAL 2015 201620172018201920202021202220232024
Nb of candidates 73586262 676574716178
Nb of candidates who passed73 (100%)58 (100%)62 (100%)59 (95%)67 (100%)65 (100%)74 (100%)70 (99%)60 (99%)78 (100%)
Distinction Assez Bien (average>12)21 (29%)10 (17%)12 (19%)7 (12%)16 (24 %)10 (15%)8 (11%)15 (21%)10 (16%)19 (24%)
Distinction Bien (average>14)19 (26%)18 (31%)19 (31%)19 (32%)22 (33%)16 (25 %)21 (28%)18 (26%)16 (26%)23 (29%)
Distinction Très Bien (average>16)22 (30%)21 (36 %)23 (37%)20 (34%)17 (25%)31 (48%)44 (59%)35 (50%)27 (44%)29 37%)
Proportion of distinctions85%84%87%78%82%88%99%97%87%91%
Proportion of Très Bien distinctions66%80%78%85%71%82,5%89%78%70%67 %

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