To consult the complete organigram of Lycée Claudel click here.

Damien Ganier

Sylvain Leurot
Chief Financial Officer

Claude Fillol
Primary Director

Student Life Director

Aphrodite Samardziev
Communication and development director

Marie Comyn
Human Resources Director

Claude Desaulniers
Director of Operations

Lobna Harrathi
Front desk agent

Ginette Secours
Executive Assistant

Laure Dunand
Secretary to the primary school director

Pauline Hamon
Secretary to the high school director

Carla Khazzaka
Admissions Manager

Bytchello Prévil
Maternelle coordinator

Fairouz Hanou
Elementary school coordinator

Florence Piovanelli
High school coordinator

Orientation counsellor

Angela Faustin
Health Centre Manager

Clairanne Josserand
Communication and Service development assistant

Emmanuelle J-L BIEN AIMÉ
Extracurricular activities coordinator

Audrey Moulopo
Assistant – Accounts Receivable

Imen Benbahmed
Assistant – Account Payable

Maud Ponin Ballom
Inclusion referent

Jacqueline Banyiyezako
Human resources assistant